Religion (175 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
- Recognizes that God is the creator and nurturer of all things; learns that the Bible is Jesus’ way of teaching us about God and His love for us
- Realizes that we are God’s children
- Participates in worship individually and as part of a community through the Eucharistic celebration
- Recognizes that prayer is communication with God; sees that Mary is the Mother of God and our Mother, too
- Experiences liturgical season and their themes, feast days, and celebrations
- Learns that the Sacrament of Baptism celebrates our membership in the Christian family; recognizes our identity as Catholic Christians
- Beings developing personal responsibility, with decisions having consequences, living good lives with the help of the Holy Spirit
- Responds to the Christian message by serving others
- Plays our part as a member of a community within their home, school, parish, and world
- Learns basic formal prayers; experiences various formsof prayer on a daily basis; attends weekly Mass
Language Arts (900 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
- Recognizes words, phrases, short sentences with emphasis on literal meaning, including pre-primer words, primer words, word families, sequencing, cause and effect, and inflected endings
- Reads grade-appropriate material
- Gathers information from a variety of sources such as charts, word books, atlas, maps, and graphs
- Prints legibly, with correct size, shape, and spacing
- Begins to write two to three sentences on a topic
- Identifies and correctly uses contractions, present and past tenses
- Begins to edit for capitalization, punctuation, and subject-verb agreement
- Uses punctuation such as period, question mark, exclamation point, and comma
- Uses standard spelling for high frequency words
Listening and Speaking
- Listens respectfully and attentively, asks questions
- Uses complete sentences, appropriate vocabulary, and volume
- Recites poems, retells stories, and relates personal experiences
Book List
A variety of books are available in the school library. You may print out a list of acceptable books from the school website:
Mathematics (225 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
Number Sense
- Writes, compares, and orders whole numbers to 100
- Learns place value of tens and ones
- Identifies and knows the value of a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter
- Recognizes wholes, halves, thirds, and fourths
- Memorizes addition and subtraction facts through 20
- Counts by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s with numbers to 100
- Solves addition and subtraction problems with one- and two-digit numbers without regrouping
- Finds the sum of three one-digit numbers
- Make reasonable estimates with quantities up to 100
Algebra and Functions
- Understands the meaning of the symbols +, -, =, >, <
- Begins to understand the concept of unknowns (1 + ? = 3)
- Creates, completes, describes, and identifies simple patterns
Measurement and Geometry
- Compares the length, width, weight, and volume of two or more objects using direct comparison
- Tells time to the hour and half hour, compares time related to events (before/after, elapsed time)
- Knows the days of the week and the months of the year
- Identifies and describes squares, circles, rectangles, and triangles
- Recognizes cubes, spheres, cones, and cylinders
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability - Sorts object by common attributes and describes the groups formed
- Begins to compare data using picture, bar, and real graphs as well as tallies
Mathematical Reasoning
- Begins to apply a variety of strategies to solve problems
- Begins to use appropriate mathematical vocabulary
- Explains the reasoning used and justifies the procedures selected
Social Studies (80 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
- Develops an understanding of social skills in school and in the family, with emphasis on Christian values and responsibilities
- Understands the growth, development, and differences of town and country, city, suburb, and neighborhood
- Understands the concept of the specialized work done in factories to manufacture, transport, and market goods and services
- Learns about the symbols and traditions of the United States
- Identifies national heroes from our country’s history
- Learns the location, environment, and some aspects of the people of Mexico, Canada, and California
- Learns about and celebrates national and cultural holidays
- Learns basic map skills and use of an atlas
Science (80 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
Physical Science
- Identifies different states of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
- Learns basic properties of light, heat, and sound
Earth Science
- Knows that weather can be observed, measured, and described
- Begins to understand our solar system, the planets, and the relationship of earth and moon
Life Science
- Identifies differences between living and nonliving things
- Learns basic parts of plants and the ways people use plants
- Identifies basic needs for survival of living things and that living things grow and change
Human Body
- Learns about the five senses
- Learns the function of the skeleton and muscles
Computer (30 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
- Demonstrates the ability to operate a computer
- Learns the ways technology helps us
- Uses a variety of software applications
- Interacts with math and language arts software
- Practices beginning keyboarding skills
Physical Education (60 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
Exercise, Calisthenics, and Sports Skills:
- Develops motor skills such as balance, endurance, strength, agility, and ball handling skills individually, with a partner, or in a group
- Continues basic coordination activities, simple calisthenics, and exercises
- Participates in the Presidential Physical Fitness Program
- Learns and practices self-discipline, self-control, and following rules, and appropriate behavior in winning and losing
- Develops an understanding for physical health and nutrition
Fine Arts (100 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
- Develops visual and tactile perception through use of primary and secondary colors, drawing the human form, animals, seasons, self, and groups with emphasis on size and relationships
- Develops creative expression through use of a variety of media
- Develops visual arts while appreciating art work from different cultures and eras
Music Appreciation
- Recognizes tempo, melody, changes in rhythm, and dynamics in music while singing and performing
- Responds to mood of music, plays simple rhythms, and melodies on rhythm instruments
- Experiences multicultural, ethnic, and liturgical music
- Appreciates a variety of music for different occasions, including both classical and modern
Educational Field Trips