Social Studies

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6th Grade Social Studies (175 Minimum Weekly Minutes)

Ancient Civilizations

  • Traces roots of early humankind and identifies characteristics of ancient societies
  • Discovers the early middle eastern civilizations and ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Israel, and Greece
  • Understands the strength and vastness of the Roman Empire


  • Traces and locates the migration and expansion of ancient civilizations
  • Explains how geography affected ancient civilizations
  • Identifies the importance of geography as a contributing factor to the human story


  • Recognizes the importance of economic, political, religious, and social structures of ancient civilizations
  • Understands the connection between social organization and waterways in the success of an economy

7th Grade Social Studies (225 Minimum Weekly Minutes)

World History

  • Analyzes the causes and effects of vast expansion and disintegration of the Roman Empire
  • Analyzes the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of Islam in the Middle Ages, the civilizations of China in the Middle Ages, and the sub-Saharan civilizations
  • Compares and contrasts geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of Meso-American and Andean civilizations
  • Analyzes the origin, accomplishments, and geographic diffusion of the Renaissance
  • Analyzes the historical development of the Reformation
  • Analyzes the historical developments of the Scientific Revolution and its lasting effects on religious, political, and cultural institutions
  • Analyzes political and economic changes in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries

8th Grade Social Studies (225 Minimum Weekly Minutes)

American History

  • Develops and applies geography, critical thinking, and research skills
  • Interprets and analyzes information
  • Summarizes immediate and long-term causes and effects of important historical development
  • Understands history of multicultural heritage in the US
  • Develops ability to make generalizations, detects bias, and recognizes fact and opinion
  • Knows responsibilities and rights of US citizenship
  • Understands major events preceding and leading to the Civil War
  • Analyzes attempts to abolish slavery
  • Develops an understanding of American economy (past and present)
  • Demonstrates knowledge of major historical events and their relationship to each other
  • Explains central issues and problems, past and present
  • Develops knowledge of negative influences in our history with respect to racism, discrimination, and intolerance
  • Understands the importance of Native Americans in our past and recent history


  • Distinguishes various geographic regions within the United States and understands the relationship between human survival and the land


  • Recognizes the significance of trade between Europe and the Americas
  • Studies the economies of the early colonies
  • Understands the importance of a dependable monetary system in the young United States
    Educational Field Trip

8th Grade Washington DC Trip – Trip itinerary varies annually. Stops can include Jamestown, Arlington Cemetery, Gettysberg, Mt. Vernon, Monticello, and Washington DC sites. Approximate cost for 2015 is $1600 per student.

Financial Aid Available

 St. Barbara School is dedicated to remaining affordable. As a tuition-based school, we are committed to helping families who have a desire to be part of the St. Barbara school community. Tuition assistance is available for qualifying families through an application process and supported through the Orange Catholic Foundation.